Read this out loud, slowly

Spencer Rodgers
3 min readJun 30, 2022

As you read this if there is anyone around you, please ask them to close their eyes if they are listening. You do not need to read the pauses, simply pause for a moment between each set of statements. They should treat the statements as self-referencing, and not the belonging of the reader.

I am using my voice for this excercise, and it is imperative that I am indeed reading this out loud. If I have not begun to read out loud to myself, begin now.

Imagine the ocean. A calm, flat section of water stretching from horizon to horizon that is as calm as glass. There is no turmoil in the water. It is smooth.


There is nothing except a wooden row boat. Imagine this boat has no oars and that I am sitting in the boat, with no worries and nowhere I need to be. Imagine I am calm and that I am able to enjoy the calm of the water, stretching as far as I can see in all directions. The water reflects small clouds passing overhead like a mirror.


Imagine my favorite color. Do no think about why that color is my favorite. Simply picture that color, or choose one and hold that image of that color in my mind. Apply that color to the boat. The wooden row boat is brightly painted in that color over its wood.


My row boat can take me anywhere I want. It does not need oars because it can travel just by thinking where it should go. Imagine a direction, and the boat will begin to move towards it.


There is an island, beyond the horizon. Imagine a paradise with all my favorite houses. The island has all my favorite shops. It has all my favorite activities and they are all free. There are no lines to do anything I want, but there are always plenty of wonderful people to do those activities with. It is a paradise built just for me. Imagine that the row boat is taking me to the island but has not arrived yet.


Between me and the horizon, there is a flotilla, a group of other boats lashed together. Imagine that I have directed my boat towards the island and that this group of boats will require for me to command my row boat around it. Among the boats are all the people I have ever met, but whom I have no need to love or befriend. They are just people, living their lives on their own boats.


As you approach the flotilla, I can see that their boats have oars and that they have lashed the oars together to connect their boats to one another. Without oars I have no way to join them without taking some of their supplies to do so. Imagine that I continue towards the island without judgement about my need to join the flotilla. Simply imagine that I passed around it and continued on my journey.


Now, on the horizon I can see the lights of the island. Now, on the horizon I can see the island itself. Now, on the horizon I can see the shores of the island. Now, on the horizon I can see the people waiting for me on the shores. Now I am on the island.


If there are others around me, ask them to open their eyes.


The island does not exist.


Look at my feet. Look at my hands. Look around me.


Observe where I am. Look at the objects I could use my hands to interact with. Look at the places I could move nearby.


Count up to five colors among the characteristics of my surroundings. Note anything in my environment which might tell me what time of day it is.

This is the end of the exercise. I may stop speaking out loud.

On my own time, please comment to record 4 true things I experienced during this exercise. The first 2 must be metaphors which I like as I used my imagination. The last 2 must be literal things I like about my surroundings.



Spencer Rodgers

Follow me, read my stories, and I promise that I will break your brain.